School of Tecmo

Want to get better at Tecmo Super Bowl? Haven't been getting anywhere? Randy Fairfield's School of Tecmo just might be what you're looking for. Randy Fairfield is a Tecmo Super Bowl master, winning it all in Season 5 of the HSTL as well as placing 1st or 2nd in each of the three live Tecmo Superbowl tournaments he's entered. Randy has a Master's degree in teaching and is a self-proclaimed expert in the field of Tecmo strategy. Let Randy teach you how the Tecmo ratings work to determine the following:
  1. Hitting Power
  2. Fumble Probability
  3. Passes Blocked at Point of Release
  4. Tip, Int, or Whiff?
  5. Wide Open Target Probability
  6. Catch/Interception/Incompletion Probability:
  7. Single, Double, Triple, and Quadruple Coverage
  8. JJs & CCs
  9. OL / DL Matchups
Optional n00bler topics include:
  1. How player conditions work
  2. Knowing what the ratings do
  3. Kick and punt returns
Not only will you get a better understanding of how the ratings work, but you will also get detailed analysis of how to take that knowledge and use it to your benefit. The following topics concerning situational strategy will be discussed:
  1. Choosing a playbook
  2. Setting your lineup
  3. Play-by-Play analysis
  4. Knowing what plays to call and when
  5. Using the clock to your advantage
  6. Knowing what defender to use
  7. How to play defense when you suck at grappling
  8. Picking a matchup
It's time to enroll in Randy Fairfield's School of Tecmo today! At just the low price of $10/hr, it'll easily be the best money you've ever spent! Just ask Twister. Enroll now and following the session, you will receive a detailed FAQ about the first nine topics mentioned. No note taking! Never before has such a vast amount of Tecmo knowledge ever been aggregated into one document! Minimum of two hours per enrollment required. So far, all attendees have paid for a third hour!